Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please read through the sections below. If you still cannot find an answer, please reach out via our contact page or email us at

Top Questions

What is Fliiks?

Fliiks is an on-demand smartphone photography platform that connects customers to nearby smartphone photographers (aka Fliiksters).

Our app is the fastest way to request a Fliikster to come to you, snap your photos, and receive those photos in just minutes after—all in one place. 

How do I get started and order photos?

Tap on the Fliiky icon at the bottom of the screen. Select a category, location, date, and time. Add a description to state any specifics you are looking for. Select a camera and post the job. Review the available photographers and select one. 

You will receive your photos digitally in your app after the photo session is completed.

Do I need two accounts if I want to be both a photographer and a customer?

No, just one account. Photographers can also request photos from other photographers by tapping on the Fliiky icon at the bottom of the screen. 

If you are a customer, you can activate your photographer account by going to Profile and tapping “Activate Photographer Account.”

How do I report problems?

To report a specific person or account, you can do so in app as you are reviewing the portfolios by tapping on the three dot icon in the top right corner.

For other issues, visit our social media page or reach out to our support department via email at

Is Fliiks free to download?

Yes. Fliiks is free to download. Payment is only required after you place a job request.

Questions For


How do I sign up as a Photographer on Fliiks?

Download the Fliiks App and create your account using your phone number. Select “Get Paid to Take Photos” and enter your profile info. Add your profile photo and short bio. Build your Fliiks portfolio with up to 20 images to increase your chances of getting awarded a job.

What are the requirements to become a photographer on Fliiks?

Anyone with a phone can become a Fliikster and start getting photo jobs on Fliiks. You only need to upload some recent photos you’ve taken to stand out with your customers.

There are no signup or listing fees.

How do I get awarded a job on Fliiks?

First, submit your portfolio for review by responding to a new job request.
Under New Requests, tap on a job to view details. Accept the job, ensure you have set up payment details, and tap on “Finish.” Under Accepted Requests, you can view all the jobs you’ve responded to that are still pending. 

Once a pending job moves to your Active Contracts tab, you have been awarded the job.
Pending requests become contracts when a customer selects you to take photos.

How much do I make as a photographer on Fliiks?

Fliiks photographers earn 60% of the package amount, with a 12% application fee and 28% in taxes.

Are Fliiks photographers employees of Fliiks?

Fliiks photographers are not employees or contractors, but part of a community connected through customer-to-customer engagement.

Please file taxes accordingly based on the profits you make through Fliiks.

How can I attract more customers on Fliiks?

View our Fliiks Portfolio Strategies for tips and helpful information on how to optimize your profile. A full and current portfolio increases your chances of being awarded jobs.

I'm not seeing any customer requests, what can I do?

You may be in an area where Fliiks has not officially launched yet. We are currently focused on growing Fliiks communities in populated areas before we expand. 

You can help grow our community by sharing Fliiks with friends, family and community in your area.

In the meantime, please learn more about Fliiks Private Mode to enjoy the features of Fliiks with friends and family.

My hourly rate is usually higher than what is offered in Fliiks’ packages. Can I change these rates?

Fliiks packages are not meant to replace anyone’s income, rather they are meant to supplement. Fliiks is meant to be candid and quick, allowing users to earn some money using the smartphone camera they already carry.

A flexible rate option may be available in future phases of Fliiks.

If I’m not a professional photographer, but I love taking photos, can I still join Fliiks?

Yes! Anyone can join the Fliiks community. All photographers need is a recent portfolio of their work, featuring images shot on their smartphones.

Questions For


How do I sign up as a Customer on Fliiks?

Download the Fliiks App and create your account using your phone number. Select “Get Photos” and enter your profile info. Add your profile photo so photographers can easily recognize you in person. Tap on the Fliiky icon to create a new request.

How do I create a job and get photos?

First, log in, then click on the Fliiky icon at the bottom of the screen. Select a category, location, date, and time. Add a description to state any specifics you are looking for. Select a camera and post the job. Review the available photographers and select one. 

You will receive your photos digitally in your app after the photo session is completed.

How and when will I receive my images?

Fliiks photographers will upload your photos directly to your Fliiks account after your photo session is complete.  

Can I use Fliiks for Weddings? 

No. Fliiks’ purpose is to make capturing quick and candid moments more accessible to people through the use of smartphone cameras. Formal wedding photography tends to require multiple DSLR cameras and other special equipment. 

Are my paid albums saved on Fliiks? How long are they saved for? 

Yes, they are saved to the Fliiks cloud. Your photos purchased on Fliiks are available for as long as you have an account open. If you delete your account, your content is also deleted. Please download and backup your images before deleting your account. 

How many photos can I take during a Fliiks Session?

Unlimited photos can be shot within your purchased time frame.
Photographers can upload up to 30 images at a time.

Can I delete photos from my account or profile?

Photographer portfolio photos are editable and featured albums will reflect your purchased albums. 

You can’t delete albums. Once you place an order and receive the photos, they act as your order history as well. 

I’m not seeing any available photographers in my area, what can I do?

You may be in an area where Fliiks has not officially launched yet. We are currently focused on growing Fliiks communities in populated areas before we expand. 

You can help grow our community by sharing Fliiks with friends, family and community in your area.

In the meantime, please learn more about Fliiks Private Mode to enjoy the features of Fliiks with friends and family.

What’s the best way to choose a good photographer?

Carefully look through the available portfolios before selecting a photographer. Check reviews and ratings, and help future customers by leaving accurate reviews and ratings.

Can I speak with the photographer before the job starts?

Yes. Once a photographer has been awarded a job, both parties will be able to call each other. 

What do I do if my photographer cancels my scheduled session at the last minute, or doesn’t show?

If a photographer cancels the session, please select another available photographer through the app. 

Currently there are no refunds. If you are unhappy with the service provided, please leave a detailed review. 

Questions About


Can images taken via a native camera be uploaded through the app?

Any images that are taken offline via a native camera can still be uploaded later through the app in Fliiks Private Mode. 

Note: You can upload photos from your camera roll into an album if you select to use the native camera app.

Do I have to only use the Fliiks Camera?

No. Customers have the choice of choosing between the Fliiks camera and the photographer’s native camera app when they are creating the job request.

What’s the difference between using the Native Camera App vs Fliiks Camera?

Native Camera App

Native Camera App has more optimizations and camera settings which help take better photos, however photos will be stored in photographer's phone gallery before they are uploaded to the Fliiks job. Our privacy agreement prevents users and photographers from retaining or using any photos taken without getting the customer's written consent.

Fliiks Camera

Fliiks Camera has an added layer of security however is limited to basic camera settings. Photos are not saved locally to the photographer's phone gallery. Fliiks Camera’s basic settings are not as highly customizable as a Native Camera App would be. 

Questions About

Fliiks Private Mode

What is Fliiks Private Mode?

A free version of Fliiks where you can still benefit from the features, just with your friends and family near you. 

Use the photographer's ID code to select a specific person near you. Friends and family benefit from no phone sharing and optimized photo sharing.

Why should I use Fliiks Private Mode?

Friends and family benefit from no phone sharing and optimized photo sharing.

Other Benefits of Private Mode:

  • Shared images get organized into albums for you
  • No more mass photo dumps via text, email, or WhatsApp 
  • Photos won’t take up your local phone space

What is the ID number on my profile?

Your Fliiks ID number is unique to only photographer accounts.
Customers can use this number to request specific photographers for a private job request. 

Can I request a specific smartphone Photographer?

Yes, if you know your photographer’s unique Fliiks ID number you can use Fliiks Private Mode to create a private job request that only they can see.

Ensure the photographer is within your proximity, then change the request type from “Public” to “Private” and enter their Photographer ID number.

Questions About


At what point does my credit card get charged?

Your credit card will be charged when your Fliiks session is completed.

When do I receive my payout in Fliiks?

The 1st and the 15th of the month. Subject to change with future updates.

Do I make real money or virtual money on Fliiks?

Real money is earned when photographers complete a Fliiks job. Payouts occur on the 1st and the 15th of each month.

What’s the refund process like?

Currently there are no refunds. Customers or photographers can only cancel the job up to 5 minutes before. Once the session begins, you cannot cancel.  

If you are unhappy with the service provided, please leave a detailed review.

What payment methods are available within the app?

Apple Pay, Google Pay, Debit and Credit Cards, and Bank Account

Questions About

Fliiks Albums

Can other people see my Fliiks albums?

No, your albums are private, not public-facing. Only your profile is visible to photographers. 

Can I edit my Fliiks albums?

Only the album titles of the photos you purchased are editable. These albums are not public-facing. 

Is there any way to edit the photos taken through Fliiks?

There is no in-app editor currently. The best way to edit photos is to download the photos to your phone and edit locally. 

What happens if I accidentally deleted my photos on Fliiks? 

You cannot delete photos or albums in your Fliiks account. If you have accidentally deleted your whole account, we have no way to recover your images. 

Please ensure you download the photos you wish to keep before uninstalling the app.

Other General


Where can I buy Fliiks apparel?

Visit our online store at

How can I edit my profile information?

To edit profile information, go to “Profile > My Account”. 

Do I need to be connected to the internet to use Fliiks? 

Yes, you need cellular data or wi-fi to use Fliiks.

Are there any age restrictions for getting paid through the app?

There are no age restrictions.

What are the safety features in Fliiks?

As we grow, we will improve our safety features within the app. At this time, we don’t have any built in features. Please seek 911 for any serious issues. Please use your best judgement and enjoy the app in safe, highly populated areas. 

What permissions does Fliiks need and why? 

Access to your camera, local storage and location are required to use Fliiks.

Fliiks is a GPS-based application that connects you with other users in your area.

Camera access and local storage access are needed to take and receive photos.