App Features

If you have any questions, please read through the sections below. If you still cannot find an answer, please reach out via our contact page or email us at

  • No Phone Sharing

    No more handing over your phone to a stranger to get photos taken. No risk of spreading germs through contact or dropping and losing your phone.

  • Pester-Free Requests

    End awkward situations and interrupting strangers. Request help from people you know are available and willing to help
    take photos.

  • Simple Pricing

    Four packages to quickly
    select from provide upfront transparent pricing.

  • Schedule for ASAP or Later

    Find a photographer now within minutes away, or schedule ahead for a future session.

  • Get All Images from Session

    Keep all the images taken within the paid duration, and they get organized neatly into albums for you.

  • Photos Live on the Cloud

    Photographers use their
    phone to capture and then
    upload images directly to a
    requestor’s Fliiks account.

  • Find, Book & Pay In-App

    Seamless process to book a photographer and pay them
    all within the app. 

  • Built-in Session Timer

    Session ends when the timer ends and the screen moves to the photo upload stage.

  • Star Rating & Feedback

    Ratings control quality and
    hold users accountable for
    their behavior and service.

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Fliiks Private Mode

Share Photos Not Phones with Fliiks Private Mode.

Use between friends and family for free and benefit from no phone sharing and optimized photo sharing.

Use the photographer's ID code to select a specific person near you.

Questions About

Fliiks Private Mode

What is Fliiks Private Mode?

A free version of Fliiks where you can still benefit from the features, just with your friends and family near you. 

Use the photographer's ID code to select a specific person near you. Friends and family benefit from no phone sharing and optimized photo sharing.

Why should I use Fliiks Private Mode?

Friends and family benefit from no phone sharing and optimized photo sharing.

Other Benefits of Private Mode:

  • Shared images get organized into albums for you
  • No more mass photo dumps via text, email, or WhatsApp 
  • Photos won’t take up your local phone space

What is the ID number on my profile?

Your Fliiks ID number is unique to only photographer accounts.
Customers can use this number to request specific photographers for a private job request. 

Can I request a specific smartphone Photographer?

Yes, if you know your photographer’s unique Fliiks ID number you can use Fliiks Private Mode to create a private job request that only they can see.

Ensure the photographer is within your proximity, then change the request type from “Public” to “Private” and enter their Photographer ID number.